Published on 10 August 2014

I really like cabin porn.

Like, a lot. It’s the only blog that I regularly look at, not counting a lot of comics. I find it relaxing.

And I wanted a way of saving the cabins to my desktop, automatically, so I wouldn’t have to actually go to the website to see the cabins.

So I decided to refresh my python-scrape and osascript-foo and just build one. A few hours into a Saturday night later, and I’ve got it. Here is the code.

I would suggest setting up a cronjob to actually make it check every few hours and see if Cabin Porn has posted a new sexy picture, but I don’t actually bother. I’ll just change it when I get tired of the current one. I use 6 desktops, so I’ll keep the other five as random pictures from my trove of thousands (here’s some), but my default is now a cabin.
