
Conferences and Meetups

Speaker Ongoing

I regularly speak at meetups and conferences about code, open source, and research. The image you see is from the logos of three of the meetups I used to help organize: BostonJS, BrooklynJS, and Papers We Love Boston. I try to upload all of my slides here. Let me know if I am missing one!

  • BrooklynJS, November 19, 2015. Title: $ git yolo.
  • ArcticJS, January 20, 2016. Title: $ git yolo. YouTube.
  • BostonJS, March 3, 2016. Title: $ name-your-contributors
  • Papers We Love Boston, March 24, 2016. Title: The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work, by Phillip Rogaway.
  • NodeLive Washington DC, October 26, 2016. Title: Standardizing READMEs for Great Good.
  • NodeFest Japan in Tokyo, November 13, 2016. Title: Why to Standardize your READMEs.
  • JSMontreal, Montreal, April 11, 2017. Also about Standard Readme.
  • SeaGL, Seattle, November 6, 2021. Title: Birds by Starlight: Tracking Nocturnal Flight Calls Using Open Source Software.
  • SeaGL, Seattle, November 4, 2023. Title: Gulls do gull: Using Node, D3, React and occasionally grep to get insight into bird subspecies distribution Recording
  • Interdisciplinary Open Practices Workshop, Burlington, VT, October 28, 2023. Keynote: A rose by any other $variable.
  • SeaGL, Seattle, November 3, 2023. Title: Using FLOSS to plan your daily exercise by birding! Recording
  • Evergreen Annual Conference, Remote, April 23, 2024. Keynote: What is sustainable open source.

I also have given dozens of academic talks about linguistics: for a list of publications, go here.

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